What Business are we in?
Kia tipu nga rawa a Putauaki Trust hei oranga mo nga Uri otira, e aronuitia ana hoki te oranga me te mauri a to tatou Whenua.
To grow the value of the Putauaki Trust's assets for the benefit of all Shareholders taking into account sustainability and the protection of our land.
Whaia te iti kahurangi ki te tuohu koe me Maunga teitei
To pursue worthwhile and profitable goals and not give up easily in achieving them
Autonomy in decision making and controllers of our own destiny through leadership
Accept our obligations of guardianship, preservation and protection of Putauaki land
Caring for our Shareholders and their Uri
Maintaining the tribal identity of Ngati Pahipoto
United in the pursuit of mutual benefit for the Shareholders, Ngati Pahipoto and Ngati Awa Whanui
Bringing our families together
Strategic investment into priority sectors Deliver sustainable returns to Shareholders Growing our capabilities
Support the wellbeing of our Shareholders Create opportunities for employment for our Shareholders
Practice kaitiakitanga over our land
Support Kokohinau Marae and uphold the tikanga of Ngati Pahipoto